Saturday, February 26, 2011


Please pardon the pun, but it's exactly what has been happening at my workbench! When we got an adorable kitten for my dad for Christmas, I had no idea she would created such chaos. After all, our former cat hadn't ever really showed interest in anything that required physical exertion. However, Honey Kitty, as we call her, soon took an interest in my shelves of models. Uh-Oh. She eventually knocked over an entire row of CL models. Thankfully, they were unharmed and there were no more incidents for while. Then, a MW mule I had been working on for a while disappeared. I soon found it on the floor in the other room - missing one carefully crafted ear. I hope she didn't enjoy the taste of superglue and baking soda. That was the first time she injured one of my models, but not the last! A few days ago I found that the CWP I had been working on had fallen over. As a result, she had a scratch in her cheek. Honey-bunches-of-oats had also knocked over another MW, who was unharmed. But the final devastating blow came yesterday, when she again knocked over the CWP. I'd be able to tolerate it if it was just a scratch that she caused this time - but a chipped ear??? So, if anyone knows how to keep curious cats from causing catastrophes concerning cantering customs, please let me know! The models will thank you, though Honey might not!